You will have access to our centralized Merak mail server configured with advanced anti-spam and anti-virus.
You will have access to our centralized Merak mail server configured with advanced anti-spam and anti-virus.
Kenotronix shared hosting is for web designers, freelancers, and businesses that build basic...
WHAT TYPES OF SITES MIGHT NEED MORE THAN SHARED HOSTING?It's safe to say that e-commerce, enterprise, high traffic, resource hungry, SAASs, and sites...
WHAT IS SHARED HOSTING?Shared hosting is a common type of hosting for websites. This is where the service provider hosts...
WHAT IF MY SITE NEEDS MORE THAN SHARED HOSTING?he next step would be to switch to a VPS, which stands for Virtual Private Server and which...
CAN I USE SSH TO ACCESS MY SITE?Yes. After enabling SSH through the dashboard for your shared hosting account, you can connect...