All our dedicated servers are currently installed in our Quebec data center.
All our dedicated servers are currently installed in our Quebec data center.
WHAT DOES SERVER ASSISTANCE COVER? Every Kenotronix customer has access to 24/7 support. You can...
HOW IS VPS SERVICE DIFFERENT FROM A PHYSICAL SERVER?A VPS offers performance similar to that of a dedicated server, plus additional functionality...
CAN A VPS SERVER BE CONSIDERED A “CLOUD SERVER”?Some hosting companies might sell this as a "cloud" server, but don't get caught. VPS servers...
I CANNOT DECIDE BETWEEN A VPS SERVER AND A DEDICATED SERVER. SOMEONE CAN HELP ME? PLEASE!Our team can explain the differences to you and help you choose the solution that best suits your...
WHICH CONTROL PANEL IS INSTALLED ON A MANAGED VPS OR A MANAGED DEDICATED SERVER?Your VPS or Managed Dedicated Server comes with the Plesk control panel. This provided an...