Yes. Each shared web hosting comes with a unique address that allows you to reach your databases from outside the Kenotronix network.
Yes. Each shared web hosting comes with a unique address that allows you to reach your databases from outside the Kenotronix network.
Kenotronix shared hosting is for web designers, freelancers, and businesses that build basic...
WHAT TYPES OF SITES MIGHT NEED MORE THAN SHARED HOSTING?It's safe to say that e-commerce, enterprise, high traffic, resource hungry, SAASs, and sites...
WHAT IS SHARED HOSTING?Shared hosting is a common type of hosting for websites. This is where the service provider hosts...
WHAT IF MY SITE NEEDS MORE THAN SHARED HOSTING?he next step would be to switch to a VPS, which stands for Virtual Private Server and which...
CAN I USE SSH TO ACCESS MY SITE?Yes. After enabling SSH through the dashboard for your shared hosting account, you can connect...